
With love for nature WKND CLUB strives for a more sustainable world. Fast fashion has made shopping more affordable but with an enormous cost on the environment. We at WKND CLUB want to help shape the world of the future. We collaborate with manufacturers that care for the environment, use sustainable packaging and are constantly searching for new innovative ways to improve our brand in terms of sustainability. 

The production of our clothing takes place in Greece and the Netherlands. For us it’s important this process takes place in Europe, as close as possible to us. Producing close by is important to us as it will reduce the shipping emissions and makes the collaboration run more smoothly and transparent. Our manufacturers producing exclusively under the European labor law and assures to use the fastest delivery routes to reach us.

Field of cotton with sustainability typed in.
Close up of organic cotton

Organic Cotton

All our products are made of 100% organic cotton from Europe.The production of organic cotton reduces CO2 production by 50% in comparison to normal cotton. Cotton is a highly water consuming product which has a big effect on the livability of our planet. Growing organic cotton reduces the water consumption by half which is a great step forward. Our organic cotton is made without any use of chemicals which makes it a 100% natural product. 

Furthermore, it is made sure there is no over-fertilization of the land which makes sure the ground stays healthy in the future. This is in contrast with the general cotton industry that exploits the soil to generate as much cotton at the lowest cost for the big fashion companies.


For our packaging we use 100% recycled kraft paper bags with the FSC label. The FSC label is the world’s most trusted mark for sustainable forestry. The bags are provided with 2 adhesive strips and a tear strip, so that the bag can also be used as a return bag if you wish to return your wknd product. Furthermore, the ink we use to brand our bags don’t contain any toxic substances.

· Plastic free packaging
· 100% recycled kraft paper bags
· FSC label certified

Beautiful trees representing the sustainability values of WKND CLUB.
Organic inside labels of WKND CLUB's Extended Flora collection.

Quality & Exclusivity

At WKND CLUB we strive for the best quality so you can enjoy our products for a long time. By using thick woven techniques and quality organic cotton from Europe, we can guarantee a long lifespan of our products. Our new collections will be exclusively available in limited quantities. This minimalizes the chance of excessive stock and makes every product a true piece of art that more easily holds or even exceeds its value over time.

· 100% organic cotton from Europe
· Highest quality for a long product life
· Varietal purity (no polyester blends)
· Reduced CO2 supply chain